Respect for nature and harmony with its rhythms, together with the safekeeping of the millennial Sicilian olive-growing tradition, drive us to constantly search for innovation: technology, indeed, doesn’t take us away from the land, but rather allows us to constantly enhance the precision of our work, to respect the essence and the authentic taste of every cultivation.
Today, the Ruta olive oil refinery can guarantee a high level of professionalism to each client who year on year entrust their production to us, so that we can turn olives from every corner of Sicily into a high-quality extra-virgin olive oil.

The process begins much earlier, with a consultancy and assistance service all along the olive picking and transportation phases, to ensure that olives can express their own character, up to the next oil conservation, storage, packaging and shipping stages. Thanks to a two-phase continuous cycle system by the Pieralisi company, a leader in the oil cold extraction, we can maintain very high levels of polyphenols and peroxides.

We try to get olives to arrive at our plant within 6-8 hours from being picked. Inside, we keep the temperature rigorously controlled, and the oil is stored in a cool and dry place, at a constant temperature of 14 °C under nitrogen head in stainless steel silos.
Cutting-edge machinery and techniques allow us to enhance the organoleptic properties of the cultivars, intense expression of the Sicilian territory, even though we have to contain the yield. This is demonstrated by the international prizes awarded to our long-standing customers’ oils, such as the oil by Case don Ignazio, which was awarded the “Gold Standard of Excellence” for High Phenolic Extra Virgin Olive Oil in 2018.
Giorgio Ruta